hannah.dean@havencoping.com (214)-247–6106
Patient & Professional

"Her commitment to our team’s well-being went beyond simply showing up—she a created a safe space where we could express our grief without feeling rushed or overlooked. Hannah demonstrates the same level of professionalism and integrity with our clients, consistently serving them with the highest standards."

"After a few months with Hannah, I was able to see Laurel’s light reappear, and she began to be her happy, bright, and confident little self. I feared that she may grow depressed or have anxiety over medical situations, and thanks to Hannah I can confidently say Laurel is flourishing in everything she does now."

"I was told I was put in a medically induced coma and had many procedures done, such as a tracheostomy and C-section at 30 weeks pregnant all while on ECMO. Hannah was there during my scary procedures & when I was finally able to meet my baby at the age of 2 months, which was such an emotional time."

"Having Hannah in our home weekly was like having a ray of sunshine on all of us. Our daughter's visits with Hannah gave her (and our whole family!) a bright hope during a tough time. Hannah's effort was absolutely as key to our daughter's long-term healing as everything doctors and hospitals did for her."

"I learned so much working alongside Hannah, but it was when I was in my own family crisis that I was really able to appreciate all that she has to offer. Her warm personality will lift anyone’s spirits but not in a way where she minimizes their grief."

"I have had the privilege of witnessing Hannah walk side by side with many different NICU families through the hardest days of their lives."

"I have seen her help families through truly the hardest of life moments, and serve as a strong and passionate advocate for the benefit of others time and time again."

"What seems like a mountain at first can become a molehill with Hannah by your side."